1601 Elm Street, Floor 33, Dallas, TX 75201

(346) 998-1661


We accept all major insurances

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The Dallas Dietitian Nutritionist team has created a number of free resources that you can use. Living healthy doesn’t have to be complicated or boring - use these tools to get started.

If you have special nutrition needs, contact us and we can create a customized eating plan that is unique to you.

Do you need some idea for healthy snacks?

Snacks can fit into a healthy eating plan and provide an energy boost between meals, if they’re planned right. Choosing nutritious foods from the MyPlate food groups can help increase variety and reduce sources of empty calories and added sugars.

Do you need help with Meal Preparation?

I understand how it feels to handle work and family life and I want to help you. This tried and tested method helps me get home cooked food on the table and spend quality time with the family. Planning is the key to sustain a healthy eating regimen.

Do you need to track your physical activity?

Research supports that 30-60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity on 5 or more days of the week (~2.5h/week) lowers risk coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes in adults.

Get The Healthy Self You Desire to Be.
Book your appointment today!

Invest in your health, happiness, and better lifestyle. Schedule an appointment and let us work together to create a unique plan that will work for you.