Weight Loss

I am Only Eating 2 Meals a Day! Why can’t I Lose Weight?

This is a very common question and the most tried effort for weight loss. Sadly, it’s not always successful. Why? Because you deprive your body of fuel supply that it needs in between these two meals. When it doesn’t get the fuel your body starts conserving and saving energy.Our body thinks “Who knows when I …

I am Only Eating 2 Meals a Day! Why can’t I Lose Weight? Read More »

Scent Based Weight Loss Programs: Do they Really Work?

Sensa, Aroma Patch, and SlimScents are few products that claim to help lose weight by reducing our appetite. These products enhance our sense and taste receptors and signal our body to stop eating! Do they work? Some short-term studies did show weight loss in participants but its long-term effects are not proven. Also, it is …

Scent Based Weight Loss Programs: Do they Really Work? Read More »