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I am Only Eating 2 Meals a Day! Why can’t I Lose Weight?

This is a very common question and the most tried effort for weight loss. Sadly, it’s not always successful. Why? Because you deprive your body of fuel supply that it needs in between these two meals. When it doesn’t get the fuel your body starts conserving and saving energy.Our body thinks “Who knows when I am going to get fuel (food) again? So let’s start conserving”

Here is how Dr. Brian Wansink, the author of Mindless Eating, puts it “Our body’s metabolism is efficient. When it has plenty of food to burn, it turns up the furnace and burns our fat reserves faster. When it has less food to burn, it turns down the furnace and burns it more slowly…Our bodies fight against deprivation”

Research shows: “Women who reported skipping meals lost almost 8 fewer pounds than women who did not”

How do I lose weigh then? You and I don’t need to cut out any food groups from our diet and we definitely don’t need to starve ourselves. Eat in moderation cutting out 200-300 (no more than 500) calories a day and adding some physical activity. Our bodies won’t recognize these few calories missing from our diet. Over time, you will be able to fit into your “back when I was skinny” jeans that you still have in your closet!

Take it one step at a time – change one thing at a time!

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