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Nutritional Gatekeepers

“The biggest food influence in our life is the nutritional gatekeeper. This is the person in our home who does most of the food shopping and meal preparation. Regardless of whether they’re a great cook or whether they’re “culinarily challenged,” they have a huge day-by-day influence on their family’s nutrition.

Although they don’t realize it, gate-keepers powerfully shape what food gets eaten both inside and outside the house. Suppose a teenager wants to eat Pop-Tart, but there aren’t any in the cupboard? The gate keeper has de facto decided they won’t be on the menu. This poor Pop-Tart hungry teenager either has to make a special trip to the grocery store, or pressure Mom or Dad to put them at the top of the next shopping list”

Wansink, Brian. Mindless Eating. New York: Bantam Dell, 2007. Print

How will you impact others as a nutritional gatekeeper at home?

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